Boas noticias – os saldos comecaram! Felizmente os precos baixam para tudo incluindo para oculos! Hihihi. Uma melhor noticia ainda e que a Bimba y Lola (a marca espanhola conhecida por ser ‘affordable luxury’) esta com saldos optimos, o que inclui os fantasticos oculos de sol que ando a namorar ha seculos! (SIM, literalmente desde o principio da coleccao e eu sei que nao sou a unica!) Agora o problema e so escolher quais e que vem para casa comigo – podiam ser todos 🙂 nao ha ai nenhuma alminha que me queira oferecer um presentinho de natal atrasado? Hum? ahaha

Good news – the sale season has begun! Prices are going down in everything including sunnies! Hihihi. The better news is that the spanish new ‘affordable luxury store’ Bimba y Lola is having the most amazing sales, which includes also rebating the prices in their fantastic sunnies line – which I have fallen in love with (YES, since the beginning of the collection and I know I’m not the only one!!). Now the problem is only choosing which pair is coming home with me – can I have all of them? Pleassseeee!! Anyone out there who wants to present me a belaywed christmas present? No? ahaha

Podem ver e comprar os oculos on-line – eles enviam para quase toda a Europa (Portugal e Italia incluidos!!)

You can see an buy their sunnies on-line – they ship them to almost everywhere in Europe (Portugal and Italy included!!) 


January 5, 2012