For Summer 2017 ic! berlin teamed up with their former bookkeeping intern turned eyewear wunderkind Jeremy Tarian for ic! berlin x tarian: a collection of vegan* organic fair-trade regional non-GMO deconstructed decaf soy cappuccino eyewear for vegetarians, humanitarians, egalitarians, fruitarians and anti-disestablishmentarians.
Since his internship at ic! berlin in 2009, during which he won his first of two Silmo d’Or awards, Jeremy Tarian has gone on to study at Parsons School of Design in New York, collaborate with the HEAD school in Geneva and launch his own label, tarian, in 2012.
Now he’s back where it all started for ic! berlin x tarian. Comprising two correction frames and one sunglass, ic! berlin x tarian features not only a new hybrid construction method for ic! berlin, but also five custom acetate laminates curated by Tarian and named for some of his favourite cruelty-free foods: A for asparagus, B for beetroot, C for courgette, D for dragon fruit and E for echallot (Tarian is French, after all). ic! belrlin X tarian is available May 2017 from herbivorous and carnivorous ic! berlin dealers worldwide.
*No animals were used, harmed, o ended, ridiculed, embarrassed or made to feel unloved in the making of this collection.